皮革科学与工程 ›› 2019, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (01): 44-.doi: 10.19677/j.issn.1004-7964.2019.01.008

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  1. 徐州鸿丰高分子材料有限公司;四川大学皮革化学与工程教育部重点实验室;
  • 出版日期:2019-01-30 上线日期:2019-01-30
  • 基金资助:

Study on Swelling Auxiliaries Based on Enzyme Unhairing Pelt

  1. 1. Xuzhou Hoffenchemicals Co.,LTD, Xuzhou 221200, China; 2. Key laboratory of Leather Chemistry and Engineering of the Ministry of Education(Sichuan University),Chengdu 610065, China
  • Published:2019-01-30 Online:2019-01-30

摘要: 为了解决酶脱毛裸皮后继碱膨胀困难研究开发了专用膨胀助剂。通过多肽液的等电点降低,实验裸皮膨胀增加,羟脯氨酸、总蛋白及蛋白多糖的溶出表征了膨胀助剂的作用。裸皮膨胀的表观与坯革的纤维结构证明,2%的膨胀助剂处理酶脱毛裸皮可以满足膨胀与碱皮的机械加工,坯革纤维结构特征接近灰碱法脱毛膨胀工艺。

关键词: 酶脱毛, 膨胀, 助剂, 裸皮, 机械加工

Abstract: In order to solve the alkali swelling of pelt with enzyme unhairing,a special swelling auxiliaries was developed. By reducing by the isoelectric point of the polypeptide solution, increasing swelling weight of pelt, and dissolving out hydroxyproline,total protein and proteoglycan,the functions of swelling auxiliaries were characterized. The appearance of swelling pelt and fiber structure of chrome leather all proved that 2% swelling auxiliaries could satisfied pelt swelling and and the machining requirement, while the fiber structure characteristics of chrom leather are close to that of enzyme unhairing and swelling by alkali method.

Key words: enzyme unhairing, swelling, auxiliaries, pelt, machining
