皮革科学与工程 ›› 2023, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 79-85.doi: 10.19677/j.issn.1004-7964.2023.05.013

• 皮革制品 • 上一篇    下一篇


苏晨, 岳思雨*, 吴昊, 江驭鹏, 彭魏, 黄其瑞   

  1. 湖北工业大学工业设计学院,湖北 武汉 430068
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-14 出版日期:2023-10-01 上线日期:2023-09-20
  • 通讯作者: *岳思雨(1998-),女,硕士,主要研究方向:鞋履设计。E-mail: 1421089765@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:苏晨(1968-),男,硕士,教授,主要研究方向:工业设计。E-mail: 418682302@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Research on the Design of Pregnant Women's Shoes based on Kano-FBS Model

SU Chen, YUE Siyu*, WU Hao, JIANG Yupeng, PENG Wei, HUANG Qirui   

  1. School of Industrial Design, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China
  • Received:2023-11-14 Published:2023-10-01 Online:2023-09-20

摘要: 针对妊娠期女性穿鞋适脚性差、舒适性低等问题,开发设计一款符合妊娠期女性生理特性的鞋履。从妊娠期女性生理变化特性出发,运用文献研究法和深度访谈法提取妊娠期女性足部形变的特征及穿鞋需求信息;采用Kano模型并结合Better-Worse系数和敏感度计算分析法,对需求进行属性归类及优先度界定;并以FBS模型为框架,对关键性需求进行功能-行为-结构映射,得到妊娠期女性鞋履设计方案。基于Kano-FBS模型的妊娠期女性鞋履设计解决了女性妊娠期间因足部产生形态变化而造成的穿鞋舒适性低、普通鞋身适脚性差等问题,对鞋履产品开发设计具有参考意义。

关键词: 妊娠期女性鞋履, 用户需求, Kano模型, FBS模型, 舒适性

Abstract: Aiming at the problems of women's poor foot fitness and low comfort during pregnancy, this article developed and designed a kind of shoes suitable for pregnant women's physiological characteristics. Based on the characteristics of physiological changes of women during pregnancy, the characteristics of foot deformation of pregnant women and the information about the need for wearing shoes were extracted by literature research and in-depth interview. The Kano model, combined with the Better-Worse coefficient and sensitivity calculation analysis method, was used to categorize and prioritize the requirements. The FBS model was used as a framework to map the key needs of "function-behavior-structure" and obtain the design scheme of pregnant women's footwear. The Kano-FBS model-based footwear design for women during pregnancy addressed the issues of low comfort and poor foot fitness caused by the morphological changes in pregnant women's feet, and could serve as a reference for the development and design of footwear products.

Key words: shoes for pregnant women, user needs, Kano model, FBS model, comfort
